
La FLAM est la seule fédération des arts martiaux officielle et reconnue par le Gouvernement Luxembourgeois, le Ministère des Sports et le Comité National Olympique.
Les moniteurs et arbitres sont formés par l’ENEPS, Ecole Nationale de l’Education Physique et des Sports.
La FLAM a été fondée en 1952. Le premier club de Hapkido a rejoint la FLAM en 2013.

Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Arts Martiaux / FLAM – Hapkido:
3, route d’Arlon Maison des Sports
L-8009 Strassen
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Bureau: Lundi – Vendredi 9h30 – 16h00
Tél +352 49 66 11
Fax +352 49 66 10
Email: sekretariat@flam.lu

Trouvez un club près de chez vous. Cliquez sur le nom du club afin d’ouvrir toutes les coordonnées du club concerné: nos club
Veuillez contacter le club concerné pour tous renseignements ou en cas des questions, s’il vous plaît.

Christopher Vella: Certificat Entraîneur World Hapkimudo & ENEPS General C
Vitor Jacinto: Certificat Entraîneur World Hapkimudo & ENEPS General C

Christopher Vella

Christopher Vella
Vitor Jacinto
Carlo Wolzfeld

Hapkido is a Korean martial art which deals with all aspects of combat: kicks, strikes, punches, throws, break-falls, locks, blocking, redirecting and other defensive movements as well as weapons training. Hapkido is also known for its breathing and energy (Ki) exercises as well as its healing techniques usually practised at Master level.
Main goals: self-defence, self-discipline and self-control.
Hapkido is a comprehensive martial art system which adapts itself to all:  grapplers and hitters, men and women, young and old.

Technical diversity
• A wide spectrum of kicking techniques ranging from high spinning kicks to low sweeping ones, very typical of native Korean martial arts
• A wide spectrum of hand techniques which include trapping and hitting techniques with fist, palm, hand, fingers and elbow
• Various grappling, throwing and locking techniques
• Weapons training, in particular, the chukdo (wooden sword) and danbong (short stick)

Literal meaning of Hapkido
• Hap: harmony, coming together or coordinating
• Ki: universal life force or energy
• Do: the way, method or path
The way of harmonious power or the method of harmonizing energy. Also interpreted as:
• becoming one with the universe, or
• harmonizing mind, body and spirit with nature

Origins of Hapkido
• Daito Ryu Aiki-­Jujutsu as inherited and developed by Sokaku Takeda (1859-1943) in Japan
• Korean Yong-Sul Choi is said to have learned Daito Ryu from Takeda between 1913 and 1943
• Shortly after Takeda‘s death, Choi returned to Korea and established his first Korean Dojang teaching what was first known as Yu Sul
• Choi and his top students, such as Ji Han-­Jae (famously known for his part in the Bruce Lee movie Game of death) further developed the art by combining it with native Korean arts, particularly those which featured a wide spectrum of  kicking techniques, internal techniques for developing Ki power as well as meditation and healing techniques
• Native Korean martial arts influencing the development of hapkido as we know  it today include Subak (old kick-­punch martial art), Taekyon (which also developed into a traditional kick-­sweep contest) and Ssirum (Korean wrestling)
• Hapkido as a name emerged in 1958

Hapkido principles
Yu: water – the ability to adapt to a given situation, knowing how to change at the right time through fluidity and relaxation.
Won: circle – the ability to absorb, redirect and utilise the opponent’s force through circular and flexible movement.
Hwa: harmony – the ability to anticipate and feel the opponent’s actions in line with a non-resistance strategy.
These concepts are based on the use of the opponent’s force through a good application of energy and breath power as well as the proper adaptation of the practitioner to all types of situations.


• Various hapkido styles developed throughout Korea, including the Yoon Mu Kwan style of Hapkido from which emerged Hapkimudo
• Founded by Master LEE Eun Jong, 9th dan Hapkido, President of the World HapkiMudo Federation and former Hapkido Technical Director of the FFTDA (official national French Federation), HapkiMudo is a school of traditional Hapkido wherein the concept of mudo is essential, that is to say a school emphasizing the martial efficacy of the practice (mu meaning warlike) whilst giving due importance to the spirit (the do)
• It is now Master LEE Kang Jong, 8th dan Hapkido, student and first assistant of Master LEE Eun Jong who has assumed the leading role in developing and promoting this school in Europe as technical director

Hapkimudo principles
• To the three principles of water, circle and harmony, in Hapkimudo we add the concept of:
• Kang which means “hard” and which seeks to break the circle or the harmony in order to achieve a more dynamic and abrupt action.

HapkiMudo preserves the roots of traditional Hapkido whilst emphasizing technical efficiency and rigour.
Its philosophy rests to a great extent on its method of teaching:
– it maintains the Korean tradition, with particularly the relationship of Master and student, the bow, the terminology, the concepts of ki, but
– it also assumes a universal outlook through a teaching practice based on western forms as well as social developments (for example more and more people now practice various combat sports and this does have an influence on the teaching practice adopted in a HapkiMudo class).
A technical distinctive feature of HapkiMudo is that it includes within its curriculum Kyeoktoogi (Korean kickboxing) technique, which is stressed particularly in what regards the defensive movement adopted in this fighting system:
Avoiding, absorbing and redirecting offensive techniques through shielding and wholebody movement rather than opposing them with forceful blocking technique.