On the First class in the New Year, The Hwa Rang Do Club Luxembourg started the Junior & Adult Class with an energizing New Year’s Annual Bootcamp with following program individual and in the Team!
We would like to thank all our students who brought their friends & family!
PUNCHES both sides
• 100 double punches
• 50 triple punches
• 100 top blocks double punch – left/right combo
• 3 x 100 punches
KICKS both sides
• 100 standing / reverse font kicks
• 100 standing / reverse chop kicks
• different speed kicks each side
• slides across the tatami in the Dojang 4x forward hip slide / bear crawl, rabbit / duck walk
• 2 x 10: both push up, one roll on the left and the other jump above on the right, then push up, then one roll on the right and one jump above on the left
• Gi Ma Jasae (with partner on top hips) walk forward and turn. Those that cannot, partner sit (squat down leaning on each others back, cross arms, stay down sit like in a chair)
• 40 high five push ups
• 100 clapping push ups to other person
• 40 leg press
• Group push ups in lines
• 100 group sit ups
We did all this is 1,5 hours.
When in your wildest dreams did you ever think that you can do all that? You can absolutely do more, just like your ego says, but instead of just thinking it, we were here to help you achieve it and when you finally do, there will be no need for the ego.
This is Grandmaster Taejoon Lee’s challenge to you for the New Year and evermore. Don’t think you’re strong – be strong, don’t think you’re intelligent – be intelligent, don’t think you’re not lazy – get busy, don’t think you’re doing enough – do more, don’t get humiliated – be humble, think less and do more. Remember the more you do the more you want to do; the less you do the less you want to do.
That’s the best gift we can give you.
Hwarang Forever & God Bless