Serge Schaul president Flam
Serge Schaul
President Judo a President FLAM
Dest Joer hunn mir déi grouss Éier, déi alleréischt Europameeschterschaft vun de klenge Staaten ze organiséieren.

Des Europameeschterschaft soll all zwee Joer an engem anere Land statt fannen, esou hunn eis Sportler nieft de Spiller vun de klenge Länner, all Joer d’Méiglechkeet géint déi aner kleng Staaten ze kämpfen.
Fir déi aner Länner war et séier kloer, dass Lëtzebuerg den éischten Organisateur soll sinn, well mir jo dat lescht Joer e Präis kruten, fir d’Organisatioun vun der Junior Europameeschterschaft.

Mir kennen all zesummen houfreg dorobber sinn, dass Judo Lëtzebuerg elo net nëmmen op sportlechem Niveau dobausse ka weisen, dass mir kennen international mathalen, mee eis och op organisatoreschem Niveau net musse verstoppen. Mat iech all zesummen, hunn mir et fäerdeg bruecht, de Judo hei zu Lëtzebuerg weider ze bréngen, a mat ärer Hëllef, sinn ech sécher, dass mir nach net um Enn si vun eisem Wee no uewen.

Ech soen iech elo scho Merci fir är Ënnerstëtzung.

Dear Judo friends

Luxembourg has the great honour to organise the first European Judo Championships for the Small States.
It is a great opportunity for the small countries to compete with each other, as we small federations often do not have a large number athletes who can fight at the highest level.
We would like to thank our friends from the other small countries for the good cooperation and with their help are convinced that these European Championships will be a great success.
Then I would like to thank the President of the EJU, Dr. László Tóth and the whole EJU team for making it possible for us to organise such an event.

We also hope that by working together with the other small countries, a certain dynamic will be created and we will be able to support each other.
Together we will be stronger, especially as we, as small nations, often have the same needs and challenges.
We are looking forward to all the athletes who will participate in Luxembourg and to see many good fights.

I wish everyone good luck and success, and may the best one win. See you soon.

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